
History Boards at Wrabness Station

Updated history boards at Wrabness Station!

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Ingatestone walk 17th September

It was a lovely walk on a bright morning off September 22nd, over 20 people, enjoying the surprises our knowledgeable guide Robert had laid on for us – access beyond the gatehouse at Ingatestone Hall allowing us to see views of the Hall which we would not have been able to otherwise. Also, the very informative vicar of St Giles’ church Mountnessing showed us the church (including showing us gravestones buried in front of the altar and normally covered by carpet. Apparently the origin of the term “stinking rich “ – you had to be rich to be buried in front of the altar but it might not smell very nice for the rest of the congregation!)

We were pleased to see so many people and very grateful to Robert for leading us. Please look out for our future walks.

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Cockney Singalong Train

Watch the video of our fun Cockney Singalong Train which took place in June 2023. Tom Carradine is our brilliant entertainer who arrives at the station with his full size piano. We then manage to get this on the train. lots of fun is had on the platform from passing passengers who don’t expect to see a piano and player. The video tells the story, our next Cockney Singalong is on Saturday the 15th October 2023

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Visit Clacton This Summer!

Visit Clacton-On-Sea this summer, a beautiful sea side town with so much to see. From beautiful blue sea’s and sandy beaches, to fun filled day's out. This Summer keep you and your family occupied by visiting Clacton, there is so much to do such as rides, amusements, mini golf, aquarium’s, a water park and many other brilliant attractions. With local caravan parks to stay at it really is the perfect family holiday or a trip with friends. Clacton Pier is just a 10 minute walk from the train station, there is plenty of places to eat along the front and other attractions to such as Clacton Upside Down House!

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Essex and South Suffolk Rail lines

To watch the video on Essex and South Suffolk Rail lines please click the below link. The video will tell you some amazing places to visit via train and see the hard work our station adopters do, as well as listening to the exciting things we get up to.

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South Woodham Ferrers Circular Walk

On Tuesday the 12th July ESSCRP held a South Woodham Ferrers Circular Walk where many people Enjoyed the breeze and fantastic views from Clements green Creek and River Crouch we completed the first half of the South Woodham Ferrers walk. Huge thanks to; everyone who braved the heat, Freddie our SWF station adopter who led the way sharing his local knowledge and SWF sailing club for the friendly welcome and a much appreciated cup of tea.

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Summer Safety Open Day

Essex and South Suffolk Community Rail Partnership did a stand at Walton Summer Safety Open Day on the 28th June and are doing a stand at St Osyth on Monday 8th August.

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Rayleigh Garden Open Event

Check out the video from Rayleigh Garden Open Event!

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Alresford Station Bee Friendly award!

Alresford Station have won a Bee Friendly award!

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