Events in Marks Tey

Marks Tey to Chappel walk

29 June 2024 | 10.15

Part of the 175th anniversary of the Gainsborough Line and  Chappel viaduct celebratory weekend.
Walk in the footsteps of the original celebrations of the opening of this beautiful railway line with its stunning viaduct, which incorporated a walk between Marks Tey station and Chappel station.

Very appropriately guided by Hugh Turner, a relative of the viaduct designer Peter Bruff.

Meet in the  car park behind the station alongside platform 3 from where the walk starts on a quietish road before the footpaths. It is an open, easy to follow, and delightful walk a bit under 6k / 3.7 miles.

Allowing up to 1.75 hours, means arriving at Chappel around noon. The walk emerges immediately (and spectacularly) under the viaduct itself! There are various refreshment facilities available in Chappel.

There are three stiles in quick succession at the start of the path, but after that it’s all gates.

Leave the car at home and travel there by train. You will be able to return on the train from Chappel. Or, why not explore the other activities being planned for that weekend.

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